Cherishing Chocolate!

One thing that I cherish are my mom's chocolate cakes that she makes for us on our birthdays and on occasional special days. In face I must cherish them so much, that I forgot to take a picture of it. That must mean how much I like it! I like my mom's chocolate cakes so much that I ate it all before I had a chance to take a picture. I couldn't find a picture of it anywhere on my computer, I thought I had taken picture of it. That's why I had to draw a picture of it.

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  1. This post is a excellent tribute to the quality of your mom's cakes. I know it would be right to show restraint at first, take a picture, then enjoy it, but I am sure we will all forgive you!

    1. Ok, I promise to show y'all a picture sometime! : )

  2. That is sooo nice of your mom to make your favorite. You know, I think moms like to please their sons' tastes. My favorite at home was a chocolate roll, a chocolate cake rolled up with whip cream in the middle and a nice homemade chocolate frosting with a little coffee added. Mrs. Jim can make it and has my mom's recipe but it isn't as good as Mom's was.

    Wish for us some warmer weather tomorrow early as I am playing golf then, up here at Panorama Village, north of Conroe. At least it WILL be dry.

    1. LOL, yum sounds good!

      Ya sorry, I will. But I do have some good news though. It is supposed to be warm, lows in the 50's and highs in the 70's all next week from this Friday through next Friday with maybe some thunderstorms! : )

  3. Some of the very best memories we have are of our mother's cooking. No one ever compares. I can use the recipes my mother did and it still seems like hers tasted better! I am with you on chocolate cake... it's the best! I think I would be focusing more on eating it than taking it's picture too! I love your illustrations, they are fun! :-)

  4. Joseph, this is indeed a sweet memory. Your family sounds like you, sweet and thoughtful.

  5. Sounds absolutely delicious, Joseph! It is neat to have traditions like this in one's family, especially something that contains chocolate!

    (I haven't checked out the links yet because I want to watch that one video and I saw it was 68 minutes, so I'll have to wait for the weekend to do that, but I am praying :)


    1. Lol, YUP!

      That's good, i'm sorry it was a little long, maybe I should have sent you a shorter one, I hope you like! : )

  6. hahahahhaaha that's hysterical about the picture! SHe must make one mean cake!


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