Pain And Gain

With my first T-shirt design submitted, I was happily working on many different designs, but when I submitted them they were right away declined, I kept on submitting, reworking and re-submitting my designs, but they kept on getting declined, so after about a couple of weeks of getting declined submissions, I started to feel some pain, but from that pain became gain. I learned that I didn't need to worry about getting my designs submitted and that I can enjoy the artwork that I made even if others didn't. So I created a new blog called Joseph'sweirdart@ where I can show and share my designs and enjoy the artwork that I made.
The above drawings are called Living in Paradise, which is my latest design, that has been constantly declined. The first drawing at the top of the page is my first drawing of Living in Paradise and the last drawing is my latest drawing of Living in Paradise. I am still working on it and am hoping that it will get submitted when it is finished.

Joining Joise Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. I like the design, Joseph. Glad you are going to keep trying. I do believe one time you will have a design that is accepted!


  2. I think the designs are fantastic. Eventually the makers will see the light I am sure. There a few manufacturers in Australia that are into offbeat forms of artwork Mambo, Billabong, Ken Done etc, etc. Good luck with this venture.

  3. I love the bright colors in your design, and the cat especially, of course! :-) Good for you for continuing to work on it and improve your efforts! Rejection is painful, but it is part of the process that makes us try harder, and you're doing that. I hope you get a design accepted at some point too, but I think making a collection of your artwork is a wonderful idea because I love the things you've done here for your posts!

  4. Yup, thanks! I think I figured out what the judges are looking for and why they kept on declining my drawings! : )


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