Cell Phones

I remember when my mom and dad first got a cell phone, back in the late 90's, they were as big as a house phone. Then in the early 2000's, we all had phones, my brother, little sister, older sister, and me, all had a phone and they were much smaller than a house phone, about an inch, or maybe a couple of inches thick. They could fit easily into someone's pocket. Also they now had games and different ring tones. Now phones are pretty much computers, i'm still using the regular phones though. Just to call and text, nothing else.
I like how phones have evolved over these past two decades, from house phones, to personal cell phones, and now pretty much computers. All you need in one! It's pretty interesting to see how most people went from not having that any cell phones to everybody having one. It was like a big boom, everybody now had one. I think even kids have them. Which I think is good, just in case they get lost, their parents can track them, or if they get hurt. It's better than trying to find a phone booth. Do they still have those?
I don't think that I have ever use one before, but I've seen them around though. There are usually some at gas stations and airports. Those are mostly the only places that I have seen phone booths. You can maybe still see them in old restaurants and places. Most people don't them because they all cell phones, but I guess they are good if your cell phone runs out of batteries, or gets lost, or stolen. I had my cell phone stolen a couple of months ago, when I gave a ride to a stranger and I was going to use one of those phone booths, but I decided to just drive home instead.
I was pretty upset, but that's ok, I got a new phone and i'm not going to give any more rides to strangers. Unless that stranger is a cat!

Joining Joise Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries. http://www.josie2shoes.com/


  1. Telephones have indeed come a long way. I too remember those first big cellphones that came with bags and were like hauling around a piece of luggage. My boss at that time had one he used at the construction site. We were talking the other day about how they really aren't even phones at all anymore, we use them to make actual phone calls about ten percent of the time, and the rest is for texting and Facebook and checking out websites and playing games... pocket computers. It is funny we still call them phones!

    YIKES! I am so glad that the worst thing that happened when you gave a stranger a ride was having your cellphone stolen, it could have been much worse. I agree, rides to strange cats only! :-)) I'm glad you got your phone replaced, I really missed my old one when it was broken and I had to wait for it to be repaired.

    1. Ya they were big!

      Thanks, ya, just cat's,only! : )

  2. Yes, you were game Joseph. I think the last time I gave a lift to a complete stranger was in 1970! Afterwards I vowed never to do that again even though they were grateful for the lift as I was miles from any town at the time.

    1. Ya well he didn't threaten me, but you never know.
      : )

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh my, Joseph! I am glad nothing happened. Do not ever pick up a stranger again, unless it is a critter...and then be careful!
      I think of my first cell phone compared to now. Wow, what a difference! Yes, this one is a computer. Good thought provoking post!

    2. No, only animals...

      Lol, thanks! : )

  4. Thank God you were okay Joseph after giving a ride to a stranger and they just took your phone. A wise lesson not to give any more rides! Since I'm so old, I remember the days without them, LOL, but now everyone seems to have cell phones, kids in elementary school, etc. It is good though for the convenience in case of emergencies, but some just live on them, and I never want to get like that. I haven't seen a phone booth in a long time here!


    1. Thanks, I've learned my lesson.

      Lol, ya I think some people even have more than one!
      : )


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