Round and Round.....

"Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is about a dream!"

That's all I could think of....

I don't know much about rowing, or round. Tires are round. I could write a story about how my round tire got flat, last March, while on my way to go go karting with a group of car people that I met on but i'm not sure how interesting that would be. Also I think I might have already written something about that. Wait! No I didn't!

My car's tire that had been popped.
I drew a smiley face while I was waiting for my parents.

As I was driving down the freeway, nearing the go kart place, I heard a pop and a warning light lit up on my car's dashboard. Not sure if it was anything, but thinking that it might have been my car's tire, I decided to exit the freeway and I pulled into a gas station. When I got out of my car and looked at the right rear, I saw that my car's right rear tire was flat. I called my parents and they helped me put the car's spare tire on and we drove to a NTB that was near our house and I got my tire changed. Where we then drove home, or to Denny's and then we drove home! : )

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Arrgghhh! A tire is one thing you definitely want to stay round! Finding your tire suddenly flat is very stressful... I've had it happen on the way to work in the morning! I'm glad you were close to an exit and that your parents gladly came to your assistance. A stop at Denny's sounds like a perfect story ending to me! :-) Thanks for joining in at TST today... and can we have another round of "Row, row, row your boat" now? We could sing it in rounds! :-))

    1. Ya, getting a flat tire is not fun if you are on your way to work, or on vacation, which happened to my dad.

      LOL, thanks! : )

  2. Knock on wood, but I've never had a flat tire while I was driving; glad yours worked out okay! We are members of the auto club just for the convenience of them coming out to change tires if they do go flat. Both hubby and son have used their services for such a reason, as well as others, but thankfully I've been spared the car hassles (probably because I rarely drive, LOL, working at home :)


    1. That's good, i'm glad that you've never had a flat. LOL! At least you don't have to worry about rush hour traffic!
      : )

  3. I am glad it went well, and that you were not stranded or hurt. I worry about blow outs. You can see a lot of "gators" on the roads, where a truck has had a blow out and left behind the tire pieces. During the holidays, Bill had a tire going flat on his car. Thankfully, he realized it and we had it fixed.

    1. Ya when I was holding a sign for my parents store next to a busy street, I would sometimes see cars drive by with flat tires, sometimes completely flat and they were practically driving on their rim.... I wanted to tell them, but I couldn't get their attention in time.

      Glad he found out before it was too late! : )

  4. I think it much more difficult to tell if you have flat these days until you get out the car and notice the difference. Luckily I took my care in for a scheduled service and as I handed over the keys the mechanic looked at the tires and said "You may have a flat here" and he was right. I hadn't noticed any different in the ride.

    1. Ya I didn't notice a difference and couldn't tell that I had a flat tire until I got out and looked. : )


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