
I am looking forward to sitting down and eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family and am looking forward to some warmer weather after Thanksgiving. I've had enough of this cold! I do enjoy the cold when it snows, but it's not going to and I've had enough of this cold, clouds, and rain! I can't wait until the temperatures warm back up.
The temperature is supposed to get back into the 50's and 70's on Sunday, or Monday. Also it is going to be sunny. I can't wait to see the sun! I haven't seen the sun in awhile. Even though it will be sunny tomorrow, it is supposed to going to be cold. Temperatures are forecasted to be almost freezing tomorrow morning and the high is only going to get into the high 40's, but at least. I will finally get to see the sun! I can't wait to see the sun! I wonder what it's been up to?
Hey has anybody noticed how bright the sun has been lately? I've noticed since the beginning of November the sun has been brighter, maybe because it is nearing the winter equinox, where the sun shines the strongest, or is directly overhead? I don't remember, but I've noticed that the sun is shinning brighter than it did before and I think the sun does this every year during this time of the year the sun seems to shine brighter.
My eyes always seem to be blinded every time that I look through my houses windows, where they didn't before November, so I think it has something to do with the winter equinox. I don't know, I was just wondering....
Anyway, I am really looking forward to eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family and I have had enough of this cold and I can't wait for it to get warm again.

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. We have had a very cold and windy November. That does not bode well for actual Winter! However, it is what it is, and this is normal for Winter. And this too shall pass.

    1. Only three more months! I think it would be better if it just stayed cold, instead of hot and cold, because then maybe I would be able to get used to it. : )

  2. Australia is just coming into Summer. Today it will be 34C degrees which must be about 94F. I think the sun just looks bigger when it is nearer the horizon such as in the winter. In the summer it is high in the sky and it looks smaller. Sorry about your winter, we don't get much of one here but still moan!

    1. Ya, we usually don't get much of a winter here either, except for sometimes! : )

  3. Hi, I hate the cold rain too. Hard on me with my arthritis. I love snow though and would prefer a dusting to an inch of rain anyday. It is so pretty.

    Mary-andering Creatively

    Mary-andering Among the Pages

    1. Ya some snow is good, but not everyday. I do like the warm and the rain, but would enjoy some snow every once in a while!
      : )

  4. Hi Joseph ~~ I will join you in the wanting the sun but not in the family dinner. Our family mostly will go out of town or live out of town. Mrs. Jim and I may go to the Cracker Barrel, I may just make us another turkey sandwich for lunch. We did see the sun for almost a minute this afternoon. But the rain didn't stop for that. I guess is wasn't out for long ENOUGH.

    1. LOL, I got to see some peaks of sun too. I was hoping that it was finally going to be over, but no.

      Great! Either of those sound good. I hope y'all have a great Thanksgiving! : )

  5. Oh I am so in agreement with you Joseph, I've had ENOUGH of the cold already, and it's only been a few days! I would not do well living in the Midwest anwhere where I did when I grew up. I do not like the cold, and I do not like driving on ice or walking on it either!! I do hope that you have a wonderful family Thanksgiving and sit down together to share a delicious meal. Our children all live away so Papa Bear and I will have the day to ourselves, which is a little to quiet on holidays, but it is still much nicer than being all alone. After Christmas we can start counting down the months to Spring and nice warm weather again! :-)

    1. Ya we are going to be missing some family members this year too, but that's ok! Great, I can't wait until spring!

      I hope y'all have a Happy Thanksgiving! : )

  6. This is just the start for us...all this wind and snow so early doesn't speak well for an easy winter. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Ya, at least it's not going to stay cold. We got some warm breaks in between. : )

  7. We get spoiled with our weather, don't we Joseph? I know I prefer the warmth and sun over cold weather. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Thanksgiving!



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