Shinning Angel

There was that view of a shinning angel, as Jerry biked down that path. Jerry was having a feeling for adventure that morning, before he left for school. That late sunny afternoon, after school was over, Jerry decided to pedal his bike towards downtown as fast as he could, he pedaled hard, faster and faster, not wanting to stop! Until he saw it again, saw that shinning angel, in her giant smiling face, looking down on all of the cities citizens, going to and fro about their business.
Jerry really liked the angel and enjoyed seeing it every time he ventured into town. He always wondered about it, but not much was ever said, not even his parents knew much about it, but then again Jerry didn't want to tell his parents that he'd been in downtown without them. "Your not supposed to ride your bike that far!" They would scold Jerry every time he would come home late from school. Jerry knew that he was going to get some scolding this time too, but he didn't care. He just wanted to stand by his angel, his giant smiling angel that stood in the center of town.

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  1. What a wonderful story and illustration, Joseph! I do so enjoy your stories. I can see Jerry being so enraptured by that angel that he just had to go and see her, even at the risk of being caught. Now I wonder if she was a Christmas angel or a statue or something special that only Jerry saw? Great TST angel story, Joseph!

    1. Thanks! No, it was just some mystical angel, protecting the city that no one knows much about.... : )

  2. I like the imagery, Joseph, of the angel watching over the city and Jerry wanting to see her at all costs, even at the chance of getting in trouble with his parents.


  3. Nice story, Joseph. People like to read stories and articles about angels. I do. This one makes it seem almost real too.

    Yes, my Mom died before Mrs. Jim and I could see her. I think we missed her by about an hour or so as her town is 30 minutes north of Omaha and it would take a little while to get off the plane and out of the airport. Thank you for your care.

    1. Thanks, maybe it is...

      That's sad. Sorry again that you missed her.
      : )

  4. That was sweet, Joseph. I like your stories so much! Thanks!


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