Looking Forward to Some Warmer Weather!

The weather forecasters are forecasting low temperatures in the 50's and highs in the 70's, possibly some 80's, this week! I am really looking forward to a nice long break from the cold that we got last week and I wish it would stay warm, but the weather forecasters are thinking that another arctic front is going to pass through on Friday. I am not sure how cold the temperatures are going to get, but with words like "arctic" I know that it is going to get cold again. I am hoping that it won't get that cold and that the cold will only last a couple of days, instead of a week, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
At least I get to enjoy some nice warm temps in the 70's, maybe 80's before the arctic front! Also NOAA forecasted a above average winter, so I am hoping we won't get too many of these arctic cold fronts, but they said that there is a possibility that they could be wrong, so I'll just have to hope.
Maybe if they are wrong and it gets cold enough, we might get some snow! That would be fun, but that's probably not going to happen!

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  1. I too like when the weather forecasters say it is going to be in the 70s and 80s when we are almost in the winter months. I do hope it does warm up for you Joseph!


  2. I'm looking forward to it also, Joseph. I have a VERY BUSY week coming up but I do hope to have to run an errand or two and will put the top down. My personal car is a 16-year-old 1998 Mustang GT convertible, a black one. It is in pretty good shape, search for it on my blog. (I may find an excuse to put it on my blog for next Saturday if I have time to post.).

    1. Ok! But you may want to leave that top on and turn the heater on! Also, might want to sprinkle some salt on those tires. It is going to be cold with some possible frozen precip on Saturday. You should run your errands on maybe Monday, or Tuesday. That's when I think you'll see the most sun! : )

  3. I lived outside Houston from ages 10-14. I remember riding my bike on Christmas, with no coat!

  4. I'm with you - rather warm than cold any day. Our summer is trying to happen, in fits and starts.

    1. Ya, that sounds like our summer here in Houston. It got cold and then warm, cold and then warm, all the way till after the beginning of May until we got out of the 40 degree low to 60 degree high arctic cold fronts. : )


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