Protect Your Pets!

Hi, I don't know if any of y'all read Scambusters, or have heard of this scam before, but I wanted to share it with y'all just in-case. As I told y'all before I get a email from Scambusters every Wednesday notifying me of the latest scams and yesterday I read about the worst scam ever. This scam involves stealing your pets! I think that's terrible that someone would steal your pet and then try and resale it. Luckily Simon is too afraid to go outside anyway, so I don't have to worry about him getting stolen.
I just wanted to tell y'all about this to make sure that if you let your pets outside to make sure that they are tagged and that if you are looking to buy a pet, to make sure that it is from a reliable source and not someone's stolen pet! That's horrible! Here's the link to the article if any of you want to read it.

Joining Michelle in her Cat Thursdays, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Oh wow, Joseph, that is an awful thing some people do. Thanks for letting us know about it. I watch Koda like a hawk, LOL, when he goes outside and we have a fenced yard; he's never out there alone and we don't let him off leash when we are out walking him. Better safe than sorry I think!


  2. Joseph, this is one of many reasons that I think pets need to stay inside their safe houses with their families. Good reminder!

    1. Thanks, ya I think it is safer to keep them inside, or watch them when they go out. : )

  3. Some people are just terrible! Thanks for putting out the reminder on this. My herd is inside only these days. I'm way too big of a worrier to let them all outside on their own. Have been thinking of cat proofing the deck though so they can go "outside" when I'm out there but still be pretty safe and contained.

    1. Ya I was thinking about micro chipping Simon, so that I could find him if he ever got lost, when I let him out, but he never wants to go out anyway, so I don't worry! But I was thinking about getting him micro chipped just in case he ever wanted to go out, so I don't lose him if he ever gets lost and ends up with someone else, or at a animal shelter.
      : )


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