Almost Over!

Our first arctic cold front just passed through, the temperature supposedly got into the mid 30's this morning, where I live, I haven't checked yet. Fall is almost over! Winter is almost here, just one month and twenty days away!
Not that it really matters over here in Houston, but I really don't like the winters over here because the temperatures make too many drastic changes, one day it is cold and then the next day it is warm, which is just really frustrating to deal with, make up your mind, warm, or cold. I really just wish it would stay warm. I can't wait for spring!

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries,


  1. I'm totally in agreement with you Joseph! Here in West Texas it was 28 this morning... my sandal toes didn't like it one bit! But this weekend is supposed to be in the high 70's again, the back and forth is hard to get used to and dress for. I wish it could always be Spring and Fall and never Summer and Winter! We need to move to a nice tropical island where it stays that way all year around! Thanks for a great Two Shoes Tuesday post that made me smile and nod my head YES! Keep warm down there! :-)

    1. Yes, ok! Although I do like winter, but only if it snows.
      : )

  2. I like the seasons, the changing, the surprises that each one brings. It is the cold and snow of winter that help us appreciate the warm cozy days of summer. Each season offers its own beauty and lessons.

  3. It was 86 degrees here today, LOL :) I know what you mean though, Joseph, with the temps bouncing around like that; its hard to know what to plan to wear for the day unless you dress in layers.


  4. Having endured Britain's weather for the first 30 years of my life we migrated with a young family to Australia in 1966. OK, it get hot but not humid where I live but it rarely freezes. But I mustn't crow about it else you will all want to live here!

    1. Lol, how cheap is the rent? And what about the economy? JK!
      : )

  5. I'm with you, Joseph. Besides the temperature swings we are having a wet November. Today we run the AC, a couple of days ago the heater. Mrs. Jim is looking for a place where it is like our this week's Friday, a high of 75 and a low of 66. I told her Hawaii, the big island. Once in a while though, they get snow there like we do.
    Let me know if you find the perfect place.

    1. I would think there are places in California, like San Diego and San Francisco, lowest it gets is in the low 40's and the highest it gets is in the high is in the 70's, annually, but I think Hawaii is the best place. I read that the average temperatures are between 72 and 78 degrees annually and that they only get snow in the mountains, so I think Hawaii is a good place. It might rain more though. : )


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