Howling Simon!

So, recently as most of you know I went on a trip to see my little sisters graduation. I was gone for a week, I came home and Simon was Howling. He does that when he gets upset. I remember he did that the first time I was gone for a day.
When my dad and I went to Galveston two years ago. I was always home then so, he wasn't used to me being gone. When I came home he started Howling. I wish I could tell him that i'm going on a trip but, I can't and I don't want to go on many of them because I don't want him to get upset.
I feel bad but, I don't think there is anything I can do about it, unless I can learn how to speak cat.

Joining Michelle in her cat Thursdays, click the link below to join or, see other entries. 


  1. Poor Simon! Our critters don't understand when their favorite people aren't around. He missed you! Koda is the same here when hubby is not around.

    have a great Sunday!


  2. Oh poor Simon. They do miss us when we are gone, and we miss them too - don't we? I'm sure if you give him love and attention he will forgive you.

    1. Ya he's stopped howling now, took him about a week.
      : )

  3. Oh, I'm sorry for her and for you, Joseph. Our animals try soooo hard to please us and then when we aren't around they just don't how to handle that.

    I should have done a Cat Thursday on our Amber. She belongs to our daughter, Karen, but since she is now living in London, Amber has to live with us. She lives up in our upstairs play room but when she get hungry or lonesome and wants to come down, she howls too!

    Adi, our beagle dog, when she was young would miss us very much. So she would eat the wallboard, paint and all in the utility room where we put her. She also ate the floor several times and of course would chew up a shoe in a few minutes.

    But Adi has outgrown that and understands that we come back, even if we are gone a month. Of course she is glad to see us when we get back.
    Perhaps Simon will grow out of it when he gets older?

    Thanks for the heads up. :)
    Karen's Blog
    Adi's meme

    1. Lol! Ya I hope so... he doesn't freak out when when my dad and I go on our day trips anymore so, maybe he's just not used to it. I think he even didn't start howling until about 5 days (my normal trip time) so, I think he'll eventually figure it out.
      : )

  4. Oh.. so sorry for you and Simon.. (though it is such a lovely compliment to be missed when we are gone..)

    Also so sorry for being much too late for Cat Thursday.. Love the picture you shared - thank you for that!

    All the best to you and Simon with the most beautiful eyes!

  5. I miss my Siamese, Charlie. He's been gone a few years. We lost him to sudden onset of bone cancer @ age 14. It went quickly; thank God for him...not for us.

    1. Sorry to hear that, glad he didn't experience alot of pain. : )

  6. Our cats always miss us when we're gone and they all react in different ways. As Siamese are very vocal cats, that's his way of expressing his relief that you returned, I would expect. So sweet! My cats react when I return by not leaving my side and my husband said that when the boys and I were gone for a week in April, they didn't leave his side. Who says cats don't want companionship, right?

    Welcome back to Cat Thursday, Joseph. We missed you!


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