Volunteer Orientation at Texas Wildlife Center!

Today I went to the volunteer orientation at the Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Houston. They told us about all the different types of animals and things that we are going to work with and when and what times that we should come and volunteer. I will tell y'all about the animals in my next nature report, plus some exciting news!
Anyway i'm really excited about becoming a volunteer for the TWRC. I can't wait till the give me an chance to volunteer. I hope there will be some chances next week! More on this later!

Joining Cate in her 6WS, click the box below to join in or, see other entries.


  1. How cool is that! You'll get some good photos too, besides quite a fun adventure, while doing something good for nature and the animals! The design on that shirt really rocks!

  2. Very cool! I would love to volunteer with animals but I get too emotional!

    1. Ya it's hard to see all those animals locked up in those cages. : )

  3. Oh Joseph, that sounds like a wonderful adventure to do! Great place to volunteer too! I bet they'll put you to use so very soon in volunteering! One summer my son spent a week at the local zoo as part of a camp working with the animals; he got to feed the tigers, monkeys, some other animals. He loved it.

    I know you'll enjoy this too and I look forward to hearing of your experiences there! Volunteering is always so much fun to do!


    1. Yup, i'm really looking forward to helping out the different types of animals, especially opossums.

      Don't think there will be any tigers or, monkeys!

      : )

  4. Oh yay!! I look forward to hearing all about it!!
    McGuffy's Reader

    1. Lol! I look forward to telling you about it!
      : )


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