Poison Lilies!?

Did you know that lilies are poisonous to cats? Well, I didn't until Brenda from http://brendayoungerman.blogspot.com/ told me last Saturday (thanks Brenda!) I read from the picture source below that a ingestion of the leaf, petal, or, pollen stems can lead your cat into acute renal failure which will eventually end it's life. Oh no..... beware of lilies! Not good for your cats!

Joining Michelle in her Cat Thursday's, click the link below the Cat Thursday image to join in or, see other entries.

Picture source, http://www.encinavet.com/lilies-poisonous-to-cats/


  1. Actually I did know that, but it's always good to be reminded to be wary. Stunning photo by the way!

  2. Joseph, a lot of people don't realize this. Good job!!

  3. No, I didn't know this, thanks for informing me. Wont' be planting more of those then! :-)

  4. I'll have to remember this if we ever get a cat; very interesting news; glad Brenda pointed that out to you. I did learn this past week that grapes aren't good for dogs, they can go into kidney failure if they eat grapes. Thankfully the one time I tried to give Koda a grape he turned up his nose at it.


  5. My Dad told me this ages ago but I had forgotten. Thanks for sharing this important reminder. I will tweet it to my friends as well.

  6. You just never know, with cats, dogs or little children...so I try to not have them around where they could do a no no!

  7. I actually have a small room where I have plants that I don't want any kitty or dog to chew on.....and the door is always closed to them, unless I'm in there!

  8. I don't think I knew this! Very good to know!

  9. Thank you for sharing that, Joseph. Luckily, I don't bring any plants or flowers in the house (they always hate me and die anyway) and my cats never go outside. It's a good thing to know though. Especially if someone ever has lilies delivered as a gift.

    1. I don't think they hate you, they probably just need to be kept outside where it's warmer.

      Yup it is! : )


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