Out For a Walk

I usually like to take walks around my house when I am tired of sitting down, or when I just want to go outside for a little bit. And sometimes if I am feeling really listless I will go for a walk around my neighborhood, or local park and maybe sometimes not so local....

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday. Click the link to join in, or see other entries. http://www.josie2shoes.com/


  1. Hi.
    I have come here through Two Shoes Tuesday.
    I also like taking a walk. I usually walk along the river near my house, and it is relaxing.
    Have a great day!

    Romi @ In the Way Everlasting

    1. Ya walking by rivers and bayous is fun!

      Thanks for the visit! : )

  2. Walking is so good for the mind and soul, Joseph. I love to take walks in pretty places too, I always come home in a much better mood! I love the colors in your walk artwork above, it is fresh and pretty. I think you have some great creative skills! Thank you for joining us at Two Shoes Tuesday this week!

  3. I love to walk in the woods with my dog and see some beautiful sights. I wish I could walk more-clears the mind...maybe it is a good thing I don't walk as much :)

    1. Lol, ya clearing the mind is one of the reasons that I like to walk too! I don't want to clear all of it though, not yet!
      : )

  4. How many of us must feel the same way staring at the computer and say "I really must get out and walk around". I think you spoke for us all Joseph.

    1. Yup, I feel literally glued to my computer sometimes.....
      : )

  5. Walking is such great exercise too!



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