
A friendly site, for friendly people.

Hi folks! Sorry I haven't been getting to my usual's. I have been busy writing and looking for writing jobs. Hey also I just made a new site on WordPress called It is a website that supports friendly people and friendly things. I am also letting people write, or submit their ideas to my site. I need 500 words, no misspellings and a non-copy righted picture. Also sorry, but I can't pay anybody just yet, but I will hopefully be able to sometime in the future. Or y'all could write for free, I don't mind. I just thought it would be nice.

What I am looking for: Nice things about communities, stores, and people of a community, or state. Or maybe a shelter that you want to support, or organization. Anything friendly and nice, I will post. I also need sources and also I am not an editor, so I don't care about grammar, so it is on you. But no misspellings please! Here's a link to the website:

Thanks guys. None of y'all have to submit, or write anything. I am just telling y'all this just in case y'all want to, but no pressure! Thanks for all of y'alls help and kind words! : )


  1. It looks like an interesting site, Joseph; I'll have to think about possibly submitting something. Good for you for pursuing your writing career!


  2. Joseph, this is great. Anything nice and friendly, I support. Good luck on the writing career and the website!

  3. I will check out the site because it is positive and , um,,,,friendly:) Glad to hear you are taking one of your dreams and making it a reality!


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