It's Almost The First Day of Spring!

I like the spring time the most because it is after winter and it was when school ended and summer vacation started!

The above picture is just of a silly picture that I drew on March 1, to celebrate it being March 1, and winter being almost over. Three days later Houston had it's biggest winter storm of the year, which was ironically named winter storm, Titan, I think. The winter storm brought more than a .25 inch of ice and supposedly .05 inches of snow.
That was pretty big for Houston, especially in March! The only time that Houston got snow in March was back in 1932, where the weather stations recorded .08 inches of snow on March 10th and 11th. So anyway, yay Spring, I can't wait!
The weather forecasters are forecasting it to be a warm one, with a high of 75 and a low of 50 degrees, and partly cloudy skies. I'm looking forward to the first day of Spring!

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. you said it best Joseph.... Yeah Spring!

  2. Indeed it is ironic this year Joseph, that we are sharing winter experiences with those who live further North. The back and forth has been really hard to adjust to - one day cold, one day hot, then cold again. I will be glad when it settles into routine. Your forecast for March 21st looks great! I loved your t-shirt illustration too, it looks like that guy has been left in the cold too long, and hopefully some spring blooming will cheer him up a bit! :-) Thank you so much for writing these great posts for Two Shoes Tuesday, it is always a delight to visit here!

    1. Lol, ya, but then it is going to be too hot!

      Thanks for hosting. I enjoy participating every week! : )

  3. That was a cute picture you did to celebrate March 1st, Joseph! I know a lot of pepole are waiting eagerly for spring to come this year! Been a tough year weather wise!


    1. Ya, I think it is going to start warming up soon! : )

  4. Joseph, you are always a pleasure. We were in Texas for an ice storm. Dallas on down to Temple and Waco all were hit with freezing rain. It was very dangerous, with many accidents. Stay safe and warm!

    1. Thanks!

      That's not good, i'm glad y'all made out and back home safe!
      : )

  5. Yay Spring to you, Joseph. Summer is on here in the Philippines! ;o)

    1. Thanks!

      Isn't it always warm over there? It must be really hot during the summer! : )

  6. Being up-side-down in Australia, summer is just ending and we have our winter to look forward to. Yes, there will be rain but certainly no snow! It is the time when farmers get really busy planting trying to squeeze in a couple of crops in the year ahead. It's a tough life!

    1. Yay winter! I hope y'all get enough rain for the season!
      : )


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