Another Big Ice Storm Hits Houston!

 A tree limb fell, sometime during the early morning and took out our Comcast cable line.
Late last night another ice storm passed though Houston, TX. It was a weird storm, there was loud thunder with cloud to ground lightning, with heavy rain/ maybe freezing rain, and maybe some sleet. I don't know if I there was any sleet, or not, I saw some white balls in some of the pictures that I took last night, and this early morning, so maybe it was sleet. I also heard that there were some reports of hail during those thunderstorms that passed through Houston. I didn't see any hail, but there might have been some.
So Houston got, severe thunderstorms, cloud to ground lightning, loud thunder, hail, torrential rain/ maybe freezing rain, ice, and maybe sleet, all in one night! A Very strange way to start off March!

Side note: One thing that I thought was strange with this ice storm is that I didn't see any ice hanging from the roof of my house this time, like when Houston had those ice storms back in January. The weather forecaster of Abc 13 news, Travis Harzog, said that the rain was warm, I think 50 degrees. So that might be the reason. Also another thing Harzog said is that the rain was ongoing and that the rain drops didn't have that much time to freeze, so that might have been why. Anyway more ice storms for Houston! I think this was out last one. It should be getting warm soon. I feel it is going to be an active Spring, I think we are going to get alot of rain and thunderstorms.

Well that's hopefully it! Probably the last arctic cold front of this winter season. I wonder what next winter will bring! See y'all next time, bye! : )


  1. Wow, that does sound like a big storm! I think we sent it your way because we had high winds and lots of rain Friday and Saturday; no ice but that would be very rare for us to have it here. We're supposed to warm up to the 80s this week so maybe nicer weather is heading your way!


    1. Ya maybe, it came from the west.

      I hope so, the temperature is supposed to get into the 70's on Friday and stay around the mid 60's to low 70's next week. Not average, but still warm! : )

  2. Joseph, we were in Texas during this ice storm, too! I have never seen so many wrecks in such a short time! In the Great Lakes we are used to this weather and treat the roads differently. Be safe!


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