
This is what I think of, when I heard the word ear worm!

The word earworm actually means a piece of music that is stuck in someone's head that they hear being played even when it's not being played. That happens to me alot. I always have a song stuck in my head and will start singing. or whistling when I haven't listened to it in awhile, or haven't heard music in awhile. That's how much I love music. I'm always listening to music and can start getting alot of ear worms when I stop.

Joining Joise two shoes in her two shoes Tuesday, click the link below to join in, or see other entries, http://www.josie2shoes.com


  1. Earworm threw us all off, Joseph,the reactions have been fun! Love your illlustration which I'm guessing is an original! :-)) Yes, if you love music, it never shuts down in your head, there is always some tune playing, it's a built-in MP3 player! LOL Thanks for joining us at TST, sure has been nice having you home and among us again!

    1. Yes, it is, holds over a million songs! Lol! Thanks, hope to join y'all on some more! : )

  2. Oh I know, and I've had it many times!

  3. I learned something new today Joseph. I didn't realize that was what an earworm was! I too have that phenomenon with a song stuck in my head all day :)


  4. Great artwork. I think your cartoon character is more worried by ear-worms than you are.

    1. Lol! Ya, well he's got worms in his ear! I'd be worried too. : )

  5. Crazy you learn something new everyday.


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