Sat In A Prius!

When my dad and I saw that one of the Prius's at the Toyota dealership was unlocked we had to go inside. The first thing I noticed was that the buttons on the steering wheel where easy to get to with your thumbs. You don't have to look at them while your driving. Also the gear shifter felt like a computer mouse. Which I thought was kind of cool since it was a hybrid car. Despite these things there were some things that I didn't like about the Prius. The chairs weren't that comfortable and the visibility was bad in the back. I don't think that matters though because they probably have sensors that beep when you are about to back in to something. Overall I think the Prius is a good car for someone that wants to save money on gas.

2010 Toyota Prius Steering Wheel View


  1. glad you had a chance to sit in one! They are really popular here, but I think that's because everyone usually has to drive some place far away to work and they want to safe that money on gas indeed! thanks for your review about it!

    hope all is well :)


  2. Ya, lol! I haven't sat in a Prius before. August 12, 2011 was the first time. I just thought I should tell y'all that. You too! : )


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