Animal News 2!

Where are the peacocks? I haven't seen them in a while. I think they may have moved to a different part of the neighborhood. I hope they're ok.

White kitty scares off a raccoon that was trying to get some of her food.

I definitely think Patches is gone. Maybe he found a different home. I miss Patches!

My mom has been seeing snakes in our front yard. My dad says it's because of the heat wave but, I would think there would be less snakes during a heat wave.

That's all I can think of. I'll let y'all know if I find out anything new about Patches or the Peacocks.


  1. Too cute with the kitty scaring off the raccoon! I'm surprised because I know sometimes raccoons can be a bit aggressive. Oh wow with the snakes! I'd be freaking out every time I went outside!!


  2. Ya, lol! The white kitty is afraid of the peacocks but, it's not afraid of the raccoon's. : )


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