Save Your Band Shirts!

When I was looking for band shirts on ebay I saw that some of the prices of the shirts were $100 dollars. Especially if they had never been worn before. So, I was thinking that you should save the shirts that you get from concerts because you could then sell them later for a higher price on ebay. I think i'm going to start collecting band shirts from the 80's because I like 80's music alot. I just recently bought a B-52s Cosmic Thing shirt from 1990 on ebay for $9 dollars. Also it has never been worn before which I think is good because I don't like wearing people's used shirts. I could probably sell it for $20 or $30 dollars if I wanted to but, I think i'm going to keep it though just for fun. Just thought I should tell yall this so, that you'll know to save your shirts the next time you go to a concert.


  1. that is good advice, Joseph! I don't go to much concerts these days, but I know when I did and I bought a shirt, I always wore it. I'll have to pass this on to other people!

    hope it is not too hot for you!


  2. Thanks, Yeah it's kind of hot here but, you get used to it also, we've been getting some rain here lately. How's the June gloom going? : )


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