Friday Fill in 17

1. My favorite way to exercise is on a bike.
Image result for dog on a bike

2. Something I learned last week, was something very important, but I forgot it already.
Image result for cat confused
3. I am sentimental about animal abuse.

4. Some people might find it surprising to know that there is such thing as a giraffe weevil. Yes they exist!
Image result for giraffe weevil

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I just learned something new this week from your post, I had never heard of the giraffe weevil. Animal abuse upsets me, when they talk about it on the news I have to turn my head and cover my ears.Have a great week!

    1. LOL. Great, I learned about the giraffe weevil from a Animal Kingdon magazine that I read while waiting in line at the grocery store.

      : )

  2. I never heard of a giraffe weevil; they do look interesting! I do agree about animal abuse, so sad when it happens. I hope you have a great Labor Day Joseph!


  3. I had to laugh at #2 because that is the story of my life, I learn wonderful things, and then I promptly forget them! I feel very strongly about animal abuse too, it is so wrong to abuse something helpless! People who do this should be treated the same way I think! This giraffe weevil is extra-cool! I have never seen one before.

    1. LOL. The giraffe weevil is my new favorite insect!

      : )

  4. I always forget things now so that comment is quite funny. I have to show my friend your pic of the pug on the bicycle. I am all for savings animals as much as I can. That beetle is just wonky looking...never heard of it

  5. Thanks for being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins!
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~


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