Friday Fill in 4

1. The best money that I ever spent was on my cat and the worst was on over priced airport food. (Sorry this was a hard question.) : )

2. My most memorable vacation was with my family at various places in the Northeast.

3. It gets to me when people keep on driving through flood waters when everyone warns them not to. Then their car gets stuck, or worse and they need help.... Don't drive through flooded roads!

4. Once I was about to drive through flooded waters that was under a over pass, while trying to escape from driving through heavy rain on a freeway. My windshield wipers didn't work so great, so I wasn't able to see that well. I thought I could find a road without having to get on the freeway, but then ended up driving near an under pass that was filled with flowing water. I quickly backed up and escaped. Everyone behind me was more than willing to drive right on through that underpass and I thought. "Oh, no!"

Picture of the underpass.

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Joseph, I thought of you when I heard of the floods down there. Please stay safe. Thanks for joining us in the Fill-Ins!

    1. Thanks. Don't worry it never floods in my area!

      : )

  2. You were wise to turn around and not drive where it was flooded. I too often wonder why people take chances like that. Stay safe!


    1. I guess they think they can make it because they drive through the same roads everyday. But if you can't see the road. I think it's best not to drive through it.

  3. Great answers! I tend to spend more on my furkids than I do on myself, they are worth it! Yes, airport food is overpriced and rarely very good. The flooding in Houston is horrible, and I also wonder why people insist on trying to see if their vehicles can navigate in deep water. I think we should just let them sit there if they do, rather than risk the lives of rescuers who have important work to do! You were very wise to turn around, it not only kept you safe but your vehicle from being damaged by getting water in the engine!

    1. Yeah I figured either my car, or myself was going to be washed away, so I decided to turn around.

      : )

  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoyed your answers. I agree money on a cat is the best spent. I haven't been in an airport since my honeymoon over 23 years ago so I didn't know how expensive the food was. I hope you stay safe ,very smart not to drive through there.

    1. Well I don't know what the price for food was 23 years ago, but it is expensive now, or over priced anyway... Thanks!

      : )

  5. LOL, years ago, there was a mega rain storm & I was driving to work --- the road dipped under a railroad overpass... I came to a screeching halt because there was a lot of water... a VW honked as it passed me, but about twenty feet later, it was obvious that it was floating... it was yellow. Biggest 'rubber ducky' ever.

  6. Thanks so much for visiting our blog, The Cat on My Head. It was very nice to meet you.

  7. I missed this somehow but I agree with you about driving through some flooded areas..great way for the car to stop and get stuck.

    1. That's ok. That's what I was worried about my car getting stuck and stalling out. Thanks for stopping by!

      : )


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