Friday Fill 5

First of all sorry for being late.

1. I used to love to eat lots of meat, but now eating lots of meat repulses me.

2. I would never eat a bug, unless I had to...Gross!

3. I always cry when I hear something sad.

4. Thinking about funny things in my head always makes me laugh.

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Your answers made me laugh, Joseph! Your drawings were perfect for your answers, too. You are very creative. Thanks for joining in for the Fill-Ins!

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. You are too funny :) I don't like to eat a lot of meat either. I tried to be a vegetarian, but I do like cheeseburgers.

    1. Yes cheeseburgers are good. I just don't like it when people get too obsessed with meat. It just makes me sick.

      : )

  3. I think its good you are eating less meat, Joseph. I think its healthier for us to eat lots of fruits and veggies.


  4. I love meat...I could never be a vegetarian but I do love my veggies and fruit. I will never eat a bug even if it is coated in chocolate. I love your writings and you make me smile

    1. Thanks. Hmmm...Maybe a chocolate bug wouldn't be so bad? I mean it is covered in chocolate!!!

      : )

  5. I love your answers. I don't like meat as much as I once did either, and I eat less of it, except bacon - I love bacon! :-) Bugs don't sound very delicious, but yes, maybe if dipped in chocolate. I am told they taste crunchy. I'd rather not find out!!! Sad things make me cry too, that's a sign that you have a good, caring heart! I can laugh at things in my head too, especially memories of funny things that Papa Bear or I have done! Great answers, and awesome illustrations! :-)


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