Friday Fill in 7

1. My feelings get hurt when someone gets upset with me for no reason.

2. I am excited about The 4th of July. I get a three day weekend!

3. I finish my dinner first, then I concentrate on desert.
Image result for cat eating desert Image result for cat eating desert

4. One time I fell on roller skates; That's why I didn't go into work today.

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Uh-oh! You fell while skating? Are you okay?

    I love the cat pictures! Cute!

    Have a great week. Heal up so you can enjoy the holiday weekend coming up!

    Hugs. Thanks for joining us!

    1. Yes, I am fine. My foot is better now. Thanks!

      : )

  2. Hope you were okay at the fall and didn't injure anything too seriously! Looks like kitty wants a bit of pizza :)


    1. No just some swelling, but I am much better now. LOL! Thanks.

      : )

  3. Ouch! I am thinking you have some scraped knees and you are probably Ching although I hope I a, wrong. Love these photos:)

    1. No, no scrapes, just some swelling. The cat picture is more dramatic than it looks.

      : )

  4. Thank you for participating. I hope you didn't get injured too bad. Enjoy your 3 day weekend. I like all the cute kitty photos you added too.

  5. OUCH! One needs to beware of roller skates!

    1. Yes...But it didn't hurt that bad. I had fun, until I fell.

      : )

  6. My feelings get hurt when people misunderstand me too. When they are upset with me I get upset! Three day weekends are the best kind! I know one family that lets the children eat dessert first once in awhile, I think that would be fun! But then I would probably want more dessert after I eat the main meal! :-). I am glad you weren't injured to badly, but it is hard to walk on a sore ankle. I hope it healed quickly, and I hope you were having fun and try skating again!


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