A Day in The Life of an Opossum Pg. 5

Possy rose higher and higher, high above the ground, screaming and screaming! One of the construction workers saw Possy and tried to warn the crane operator, but it was too late....Possy was already 100 feet above the ground.


  1. Oh no! Possy better be saved by the workman or Possy will have a huge maze to go through to find his way out

    1. Its too late for that. Who will save him now? : )

  2. Oh I tried to e-mail you and of course, it didn't work. I was nominated for a short why do you write thing to post this Tuesday and I am to nominate 3 people. You are to send me your brief bio and a pic so I can showcase you on my blog and then the following Tuesday you answers the 4 questions and nominate your 3:) I hope you are interested and maybe you can e-mail me and it will work aok for you

    1. Ya, sure, what's your email? The link didn't work for me either. My email is josephalsarraf57@gmail.com, or alsarraf.joseph@gmail.com. Thanks! : )

  3. Possy keeps getting into trouble! I wonder how he'll get out of this one!


  4. Oh my heavens! Someone must save Possy! The suspense is too much to bear! (Great story Joseph!)

  5. Argh!!!! Gotta go read the nect one!!!!


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