A Day in The Life of an Opossum

Preface: Introducing my first short story, to be maybe turned into an actual book....I don't know. I decided to share it with y'all instead.


  1. Joseph, is this a children's storybook? Or is this a nonfiction nature book for kids? I would like to read this. I like 'possums.

  2. Oh the opossum-I recall one on our balcony when I was a teen. he was just sitting there and not really moving and no teeth baring. We took pictures of him or her. I think this sounds like a making of a good book since the poor opossum is not as well liked as he should be...with his rat tail and all

    1. Cool, they are mostly harmless unless you corner them, but even then they don't really attack. I like opossums I think they are cool. Rats are cool too. : )

  3. I think it could be a good children's book, Joseph!


  4. I can tell this is going to be a fun read, Joseph! Your illustrations always make me smile, that's a gift! :-)


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