Winter Storm Leon

So, winter storm Leon is gone, nothing much happened, but I did get to see some sleet, but, there were no snow accumulations. Well maybe next winter. That's ok I don't think Houston would do good with snow. Houston is not used to snow and ice. Luckily the roads weren't as icy this time. I think they had more time to de-ice the roads this time. It looks like they got it bad over in Atlanta. They had about 3 inches of snow and everybody got stuck in traffic, that's not fun. Well it doesn't look like we are going to get any more winter storms this week. We even got some days with highs in the 70's. I feel sorry for all of y'all in the north that are battling the cold. I hope it warms up for y'all real soon. Spring is about two months away! Well that will do it for winter storm Leon. I don't think Houston will be getting anymore winter storms any time soon, so that will do it for now. Until next time! Signing off, see y...