Last Post of This Year!

We'll this definitely isn't my first post of this year, but it will probably be my last! I am looking forward to a new year! I don't really have any resolutions for next year, only to watch my health a little bit more and to not  hurt myself. My stomach has been getting better and I am almost ready to get out of the house.
I have only gotten out of the house a couple of times since the end of June, but not too far and not for that long. The farthest that I have been these past couple of months has only been a few miles, I had to go to my heart doctor to go get a check up, which I think is about 10 miles away from my house, but other than that I haven't gone that far. I have been trying to get out of the house, but wasn't able to go that far. The farthest that I have been since September was the Toyota dealership to get my car's oil changed and my aunt's house to celebrate Christmas, which are only a couple of miles away from my house.
I have been feeling alot better these last couple of weeks and I am looking forward to a new year and better health. I think I pulled, or strained something in, or near my stomach, but I am feeling much better now and am hoping to get out more next year.
I am hoping this problem with my stomach will finally heal and I will finally be able to get out and go back to school and have some more interesting posts for y'all to read! I have been thinking more about my career paths again and have been thinking about changing my career path (Whatever my career path is, which I still don't know.) I hope to write more about that later in the year, but as for know, I don't know. I'll have to wait until my stomach gets better, before I can worry about school and work. I am hoping my stomach gets better before school starts in January, but maybe i'll have to wait until the summer, or maybe next semester!
Anyway, I am hoping for a good and prosperous year next year for me and for y'all! I hope to get out more and tell y'all more about school and things! I hope to see y"all next year, bye!

Joining Joise Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Hi Joseph! I was glad to see you joining in for our end of year Two Shoes Tuesday party! I am glad you are starting to feel a little better and stronger. You will be in my prayers for a happy, healthy new year ahead. I know that all kinds of wonderful surprises await you in life!

  2. I am not a great one with resolutions myself. I am human so I would pretty sure to mess them up! But you are so right about health and let's hope we can all have a year that lets us feel a little better about ourselves. See you next year on the blogging sites Joseph.

    1. Thanks, I hope to see you next year.

      Happy New Year! : )

  3. I do hope your stomach feels better, Joseph, so you can get back to school and other activities you might want to do! I think it is always good to consider a career change, especially since you are so young, lots of time ahead to do so!

    Happy New Year!


    1. Thanks! Ya, i'm still very confused about that....

      Happy New Year! : )

  4. Happy new year, Joseph. I hope you heal soon, and can get back to your adventures and career endeavours. You will do well at whatever you choose!


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