Are You Ready?

Are you ready for self driving cars? As I was scanning my Twitter wall, my eye caught a glimpse of a link to a video about Volvo's self driving cars. I decided to watch the video and was amazed at how well the car drove all on it's own. And as I was watching this video about Volvo's self driving cars, a thought came to me. Are we ready? Are we ready to have self driving cars driving on public roads?
Well this video makes it seem like we are. I am not sure how soon it will be before we start seeing self driving cars up for sale, but I think they are going to start selling them soon. Maybe within a couple of years.
I am ready! I am not against self driving cars, although I like to drive. I am supportive of them because of the safety self driving cars will bring to it's driver. They said that most accidents are caused by human error, so I think they will eliminate most accidents. I just hope they will prevent any computer errors. There is still alot of work to be done to prevent this, but it looks like they are making good progress. I do get tired of holding the steering wheel. And speaking of tired. I won't have to be worried about falling asleep and will be able to take longer trips in my car. Instead of getting stuck in traffic and honking on the horn, I will be asleep in my car, waiting for it to take me to my destination, or maybe reading a magazine, and if I get really bored, I can hook a playstation up and start playing racing games!
Anyway I thought it was interesting and I wanted to hear y'alls opinions on it. What do y'all think? Are you ready? Are you ready for self driving cars?

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. This is interesting, Joseph. I hadn't heard of them. I have heard of the cars that can park themselves (and that I would go for since I don't know how to parallel park, LOL). I think it has its advantages and disadvantes with a self driving car. I think we would get too complacent, almost like taking a bus but being on your own schedule. Should be interesting though if they do come available to purchase.


    1. That's cool, I don't know how to parallel park either, or park in general, for that matter. Ya, I think they are going to be available to purchase soon, within a few years.
      : )

  2. Even I would be nervous driving (or not driving) it! I cannot see how (as designated driver) that you could relinquish responsibility for how the vehicle performs while you are in charge.

    1. Ya well they can program the computer to react to different situations. If they can program cars to move by themselves in video games, then maybe they can program them to move by themselves in real life. I don't know I wouldn't trust the computers either, but I think they will eventually get it right.
      : )

  3. The question is . . . . . if that happens, do we still need a license? Haha!

    Happy Two Shoes Tuesday from the Philippines! ;o)

  4. What an interesting topic for thought, Joseph! It is a pretty good toss up between human error and computer error and I wonder which one would prove the least destructive. I know when my computer crashes bad things happen, I don't want to envision auto crashes because the computer in it failed, but then humans make worse mistakes, bad choices, faulty judgments. I will not be a bit surprised to see this become a reality in some form in the years ahead! I have a remote automatic starter on my Escape, which is nice on cold mornings, now I wish that I could press a "retrieve button" and it would leave it's parking space at the store and come to the door to pick me up! :-))

    1. LOL, ya that would be cool! I need one of those too. I am a bad parker. There are alot of test and things that they need to do to make sure that the cars computer doesn't have problems, or fail. They might just let us have some control, or some sort of a fail safe, just in case something goes wrong.
      : )

  5. What an interesting post, Joseph. No. I am not ready. Bill is an over the road, long haul trucker...I have seen and know too many things that already go wrong. He used to be a mechanical engineer, so I understand how machinery can also be faulty. Yikes!

    1. Lol, ya they had some self driving eighteen wheelers in that video. I don't think I would want to be in, or driving next to one of those... : )


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