Animal News 8!

Not that much to say today..

Simon likes to get his belly rubbed.

Oliver likes to scratch the carpet up.

Simon likes to watch the wild animals through the door to the patio.

Oliver's day out! Oliver explores the house.

White kitty decides to sleep on the other side of the coach in the study.

Also Simon has started sleeping on my office chair again.

Last thing...

They're growing! This is a picture of the baby peacock at the top of the picture and it's mom.

That's it! Sorry it was a little longer than I had expecting it to be. See ya! : )


  1. I liked all the pictures of the cats doing their various things around the house, except I'm sure your mom is not fond about the carpet being destroyed! How cute with the baby peacock! I hope you have a good day!


  2. Ya, I know but, we can't let Oliver out so, he scratches the carpet up. : )


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