How Was Your Christmas?

My Christmas was good! On Christmas we woke up and unwrapped presents. Then we went to my Aunt Martha's house and we ate lasagna. The reason we had the lasagna was because we hadn't had it in a while since our oven hasn't been working and we needed it to make the lasagna. So Martha decided that we should have lasagna for our Christmas dinner. I liked it alot and I thought it was delicious! Then we went and unwrapped the presents that Martha and her Husband Tim gave us. They gave me these two books about dogs which I liked because I don't know much about dogs and I thought that it was good that she gave me those books so that I can learn about dogs from them. It was cold on Christmas which I didn't like but, I was happy because I got to wear my new jacket from Marshall's that my mom gave me. I thought that I had a good Christmas!


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