My Pointless Trip to Sharps town Gamexpress!!!! Part 3

Since my dad had to go get boxes for the store he said that I could go with him since the store that he gets the boxes from is close to the Sharpstown mall where Gamexpress is. I was excited to see if they had finally fixed my ps2. I went in and told them that I had sent my ps2 to get it fixed and I showed them my receipt from them. they gave me the ps2 back and they told me that they had to replace the spindle because it wasn't working. They didn't charge me for it though because they were supposed to fix it in the first place. I got the ps2 and when we got home I plugged it in to see if it would work. I put in my blue Midnight Club disc and it finally worked!! I was glad that they fixed it because I didn't want to have to bring it back again and I don't think my dad would've let me bring it back either. I still think they charged me too much to fix it but, at least they fixed it and i'm glad to be able to play my pss2 again!!


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