Friday Fill in 24

1. One Halloween I dressed as the Grim Reaper.

2. My favorite comedian is John Cleese, who's actual real name was Jack Cheese! That he revealed in one of his documentaries.

3. My scariest Halloween was when I was a kid and thought I wasn't going to get any candy.... : (

4. Snickers is my favorite Halloween treat.

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. I think the Grim Reaper would be a wonderful costume! I can remember as kids getting so much candy that we'd have to go home and empty our bags before starting out again... of course candy bars and treats were much larger then too! I like Snickers, I hope someone sets a dish of them out for you this year! If not, treat yourself! :-)

    1. LOL, I usually just treat myself to the left over candy that the tricker-treaters didn't grab from my house.

      : )

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. That kitty makes a cute Grimm Reaper. A Halloween without candy would be very scary. Have a great week!

  3. Well, Joseph. John Cleese goofed on you! His name has always been John Marwood Cleese. His father was named Reginald Cheese, but changed his name to Cleese when he joined the military in 1915, fearing teasing.
    Thanks for joining us!

    1. Yes well maybe I heard it wrong. That is still kind of funny. Thanks!

      : )


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