Friday Fill in 22

1. My Favorite store is Movie Exchange. They have a lot of vintage video games there at a really good price!
Image result for movie exchange
2. An unanswered prayer that I am thankful for is, something that I can't think of at the moment...
3. At Halloween, I hug my cat and watch scary movies!
Image result for cat watching a scary movie
4. I don't believe in the supernatural but, I still enjoy watching movies and reading books, etc. Especially on Halloween!

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Pretty cool and i would be covering my eyes with scary movies. My favourite store is no was a rubber stamp store which I miss a lot.

    1. A rubber stamp store? There was a diecast toy cars store that I loved a lot when I was kid, but that is no more...

      : )

  2. Haven't heard of Movie Exchange, but it sounds like a cool store :)


    1. Yeah there are a lot of them here in Houston, TX.

      : )

  3. Well, I guess you are right, we have different ideas on some things. But, I see that as just being human! Thanks for joining in, Joseph!

  4. i love the idea of recycling things - books, games, videos, for other people to enjoy. If it's new to you, it's fun to have!

    Cuddling with a cat makes all quiet times wonderful I think, apparently mine think so too, as they rush to be the first one to grab lap space, and sit very close by if they aren't! Many nights all four of my furkids are within arm's reach around me. Then I feel very loved!

    1. Yeah I feel the same way about old things.

      I used to enjoy it when one of our cats had kittens and they would all cuddled up on the couch.

      : )

  5. Halloween is a good time to indulge in superstition. Have fun!


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