Friday Fill in 14

1. My nickname at work is 9 mile. Because I like to do some raps every now and then for fun.
Image result for rapping cat

2. The first thing I ever won was a free coke.

3. I have never been to New York City,

4. Next year, I might try to visit New York City.

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. You rap?? I couldn't rap if my life depended on it. I have been to NYC and it is worth seeing for all the museums. I am not that much into the asphalt jungle though

    1. Yeah me either, although I enjoy all the buildings!

      : )

  2. How cute that you rap Joseph! I hope you do make it to New York City next year. I hear there are lots of things to do there!


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you get to go to NYC, it is the best place ever. We only go away one night a year( because I feel bad making my Mom care for so many cats) and it is always to NYC. I would like to see a video of one of these raps.

    1. But I bet the kitties enjoy it! Lol. Maybe I'll make a video one day!

      : )

  4. I am so sorry that I am late. Life has been complicated lately. I appreciate you being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins! Hugs!
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

    1. That's ok! I appreciate your comments. Thanks!

      : )

  5. That's a cool nickname! Winning a Coke is a good prize, though I would prefer chocolate :-) I have been to New York City when I was 16, it was fascinating but I love the wide open spaces so much better! You should go to experience it at least once though!

    1. Yeah I like both. I enjoy wide open spaces, but like places with a lot of high rise buildings also.

      : )


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