Friday Fill in 13

1. I am most proud of my Pokemon Go collection. Ha, ha jk!


2. I am embarrassed to admit I play Pokemon Go and even go to public parks after work looking for and battling Pokemon. That don't exist. In the middle of a Texas heat wave!

Picture from a nature center that I visited yesterday, searching for Pokemon.

3. My super-power might be cat related...
Or maybe not... I just wanted to throw cats into the conversation!

4. I really wish I could learn to go to sleep earlier, but I always end up going to sleep later than I wanted to. 

Image result for cat nap

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Great answers, thank you for participating in the fill-ins and for tossing a cat in too :) At least Pokemon Go keeps you moving. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, lol. I always have to throw that extra cat in!


  2. Great fill-ins, Joseph. Well done. I always enjoys your answers!
    I hope work is going well. Are you still in school?
    Stay cool and safe. Hug.

    1. Yes I am still working. I graduated from school back in December. Thanks!

      : )

  3. It is fun to watch people play Pokemon Go. Glad you are enjoying playing it!


  4. Such delightful answers, you always make me smile! You are certainly not alone playing Pokemon Go, and at least it is taking you to some pretty places. I loved the picture from the nature center! Everything is better if cats are involved, I agree! :-) That was the perfect cartoon for #3! Papa Bear and I are guilty about #4 too, we always talk about going to bed earlier, but the nights seem so short as it is. I am glad you join us for Friendly Fill-Ins. It is good to know you are doing ok! <3

  5. People are really into this Pokemon and getting exercise. My one friend has captured some pokemons without even walking! A couple of them were in her back yard. Your cat cracked me up. A face plant sleep!

    1. Where does she live? LOL! I have a friend that has a house that is a Pokemon hot spot also. Unfortunately mine isn't...

      That's how I usually end up going to sleep.

      : )


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