Scent of a Thief

You never know the scent of a thief. I've unfortunately fallen victim to many scams.
That's why I wanted to share this website with y'all. It's called and they send you a link every Wednesday in your email that informs you of the latest scams. I''m always finding out new scams from them and I just wanted to share it with y'all. Click the link to check it out!

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday. Click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Joseph, I can see you as a dectective here. I like the title of this post! Thanks for the information. I look forward to more stories, maybe a mystery!

    1. Yes, I like mystery novels! Have you heard of Marion Babson? She writes good cat mysteries!
      : )

  2. scambusters is a fab site! I love it...It has been passed on to many of my clients who seem to be susceptible to such things....thanks for the info ...its worth spreading around!

  3. Great concept for this post, Joseph! Anything that helps us get smarter and "sniff out" those who would cheat and scam us is a great tool to have! As I get older, I have learned to be more suspicious, but sometimes my trusting nature still results in me being taken in. People need to be very careful, especially with internet and email scams. I seem to get some of those almost every day! This was a good reminder, I'm going to check out that link! Thank you for this Two Shoes Tuesday piece, nice to have you aboard! :-)

    1. Ya, I've unfortunately been tricked too many times by my trusting nature also. : )

  4. I never guessed there would be such a site! Thanks for the info Joseph! What a great use of the prompt!


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