Running on Empty

I really like my car it never wants to run out of gas, even when I've been driving with it on empty, when the empty light goes on. Toyota designed it that way, so that I can drive about another 90, or 100 miles, before the car runs out of gas.
Knowing this though, I always like to fill the car up with gas, right when the gas light comes on, because I don't want to be wondering if it is going to run out of gas. Plus my dad said that the car starts to use recycled gas when the gas light comes on, so I thought that it would be bad for the car's engine and I want it to last long, but then again it's a Toyota, so it will always last long!

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  1. Good thinking. That is a good habit to have. Machinery can malfunction. If you know you need gas and get it you will be safe, not stranded!

  2. nothing more frustrating than sitting by the side of the road berating yourself for not "filling up".
    That's a good habit but be careful. My mother-in-law's car has about 1 mile left when it hits the empty mark..I ran out of gas with it when mine was in for repairs...
    I "assumed" her car had the "extra miles" but not so...

    1. Ya... that's not good. How is she going to get to the gas station? : )

  3. I smiled at this story, Joseph, because I live twenty miles from town and have been known to test the limits of the gas warning light a few times. I know I can go quite a ways, but I've never found out exactly how far, I don't want to be sitting on the side of the road. Toyota's are great cars, I've had a couple in the past, and if you take good care of them they will indeed live a long, long time! Thanks for the good thoughts for Two Shoes Tuesday, empty gas tanks are something we all can relate to... and wow does it cost to fill them up now, huh?!

    1. LOL! Ya! I always laugh at old movies, when they don't care about the price of gas. 25 cents for a gallon of gas? And a hamburger! Yum!
      : )

  4. It’s nice to know that you always take precautions when it comes to your gasoline, since it could be very frustrating to run out of gas while miles out from the nearest gas station. Anyway, thanks for sharing this with us, Joseph. Take care!

    Abraham Yates @ Apache Oil Company


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