
This is a story that I made about my friend Dotty, for Josie's Two Shoes Tuesday.

Joining Josie Two Shoes, in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Oh Joseph, what a delightful story, complete with a slide show... this was such fun that I am grinning ear to ear as I read it this noon! You put a lot of work into this and it's a great Two Shoes Tuesday story about a little lost friend. By the way, I love Ty Beanie Bears, I have over 100 of them!! Thank you for joining us again this week, I appreciate you!

    1. Thanks! Sorry, I was a little late, it took me a while to draw the pictures and get the words to fit into them. : )

  2. Hi Joseph ~~ This is a really neat way of telling stories. I should try it some time. I can tell that it takes a lof of work and patience.

    YOUR STORY WAS GREAT!!! Thank you for sharing it.

    It reminded me of back when I was young. I had a cast iron taxi cab, a Yellow Cab, about 1:16 scale. It looked a lot like a Model A Ford and had a Taxi Sign on top.

    One day I left it outside after I was finished playing with it. My father ran over it with his farm tractor (we lived on a farm in Nebraska) and smashed it all into little pieces. That was my favorite toy and it was gone forever also.
    BTW, we are still in London for almost another week. It will be eight weeks we have been gone.

    1. Ya, some of my brothers and my toy cars got run over from leaving them out on the driveway. Ohwell... Glad you liked me story! That's a long time, I hope you find some time to blog. : )

  3. Joseph, you outdid yourself! This is great! You really should work in the arts or perhaps teach children. Very well done!

    1. Thanks! I was thinking about making some kind of picture book, or something. : )

  4. Well that was an adorable post about being lost. I'm sure Dolly is somewhere, you just don't know where.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

    1. Ya, maybe, but I think someone took him when they were moving new furniture into my parents bedroom. Either that, or he might have gotten thrown away with my parents old furniture. I don't know, I couldn't find him. : )


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