Went to Volunteer Orientation at CAP!

Today I went to the CAP (citizens for animal protection) volunteer orientation. I decided to go because the bird program at TWRC ends in August and I don't really like to do the center volunteer work so, I decided that I should go volunteer and the next nearest shelter which is CAP! It is a big brand new shelter but, it has been around since 1972. There are alot of other reasons why I wanted to join CAP.
The first is I would like to take care of the cats and help get them adopted and second is that they train you and teach you how to treat the animals and customers which will be a good learning lesson for me. Also might be good on my resume. But, before I get too excited, i'm not a volunteer there yet.
There are four steps to becoming a volunteer. The first is being invited to the orientation, then they give you classes and train you. Where you will then be mentored before you become an official volunteer.
They said it could take several weeks until you become an official volunteer. The first class isn't until the 21st.  I hope I get in!

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  1. I like how they choose volunteers, Joseph; its like they want to make sure people want to volunteer at the place. I'm sure you'll get in. Heck you got invited for the orientation, right? I like too that you'll be mentored as you are volunteering. I think it is a wonderful opportunity and I'm rooting for you that you'll be accepted for it all!


  2. Yay Joseph! This is wonderful! I am sending you lots of hope & good wishes! It sounds like they have a great program. (BTW, I got my very 1st dog at the Houston Humane Society when I was 10.) Keep us posted!

  3. This is such a great idea, Joseph! Good for you! Our Rusty kitty came from a shelter and the people there were so great in making sure he found the right home. I'm excited for you!

  4. That sounds awesome. It's great that you were at least considered for the orientation. Good luck with the rest!!

    1. Ya I think i'm already accepted, I just need to attend the classes. : )


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