Hey Guys!

What's up?

I noticed that I haven't posted in a while and I wanted to see what everyone was up to.

As for me. I am still working as a kennel assistant. My family moved to a new location in Houston, TX.
It's got a pool!
I also got a new car. My dad still drives the Matrix. The car pictured above is called a Corolla IM. Which means it's a hatchback Corolla. Pretty Cool! That is also what the Matrix was.
Image result for silly cat pictures
Anyway..... Just checking in, folks.


  1. I haven't seen you here In A while. Love the car and it is in my favourite colour...blue! The pool looks so inviting as it has been very hot and sticky where I am so I kiss my a/c every day. I'm Finishing my vacation so I haven't been looking at blogs too much. We had an issue with our main computer which prevents me from downloading pictures since I can't place pictures on my blog from my iPad. Anyway, I'm glad things are going well for you...love the pussy cat pic

    1. Thanks Birgit!

      Having an A/C is very important thing to have during the summer. Sorry to hear about your computer. I hope you get it fixed soon.

      : )

  2. I like your new car and cool with the pool! Like I said before on your other blog, we live in Phoenix now and we are grandparents! Son/wife had a baby boy February 2015 so we moved closer to them. We escape the heat with a pool of our own too :)

    Glad you updated us!


    1. Congratulations Betty!!! Yes I always wanted to have a pool, so I made sure my parents got a house with one, when we were looking. This is our first summer having a pool and it's been great so far!

      : )

  3. Thank you for the update. I sure wish I had a pool this summer, it has been very hot. I hope you will join our Friendly Fill-Ins again soon.

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