Friday Fill in Fun!

1. I want to stop trying to figure life out and start figuring life out.

2. I Haven't had a Fruit Roll up in years!!! And I probably never will because I am afraid that I might choke on it.

3. I believe in the power of love.

4. My earliest memory is of when I was a child living in a town home with my parents and brother and sisters. I think I remember when I was born, but i'm not really sure if that is true, or not. I do remember the hospital and being really cold. It was during December of 1989. One of the coldest December's in Houston's history. The day that I was born still has the coldest low temp recorded of that day. It was 22 degrees!! That's a really hard record to break if you know anything about Houston, TX. The coldest it ever gets is into the low 30's.

Lastly I want to say thanks to McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing for recreating the Friday for fill in fun meme. 


  1. Joseph! We are so happy to see you! Great answers, too! #3 is especially sweet. I hope to see more of you around. Did you graduate vet tech school?

    1. Yes, I got my Vet-Assisting Certificate back in March. I will post a picture soon. Thanks, you too.

      : )

  2. Hi Joseph! Life is hard to figure out at any age, somethings we will never know the answers for in this lifetime! My kids used to love fruit-rollups when they were small. Did you choke on them once before? I so agree about the power of love - love can do amazing things for people's lives and the world! Wow, how cool that you might remember being born! Maybe we all do, and then forget it soon after. I hope you'll be joining us each week, I've missed you showing up in my blog feed!

    1. LOL. I don't think I've ever choked on them before, but they are big and sometimes I feel like I might. Thanks I hope to join y'all again next week, or sometime soon. I keep on thinking that I don't have time, or I forget.

      : )

  3. I think we are all trying to figure out this thing called life :) That was a cold day you were born!


    1. LOL! Yeah, I like snow. So I guess that makes sense.

      : )

  4. Nice answers, thank you for participating. I hope you will every week.


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