
Going to join Brenda in her Pondering With a Purpose this week. No more pictures, going to do some writing today....

It's that time of year again! Time to make a resolution for the new year, already? Yup! We'll if any of you remember my last New Year's resolution was to listen to the song Rome from the B-52's everyday until the end of the year. I got to March and forgot to listen to the song and ended up getting tired of listening to it.
Now it's time for another New Year! I don't know of any New Year's resolutions to make except to manage my time and finances a little bit better, like food and gas etc; gas for my new car! I'll tell y'all later in my next post!


Joining Brenda in her Pondering with a Purpose, click the box below to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Time and money are two of the hardest things to manage in life, if you get a handle on it now, it will make life much less complicated as you get older! A new car?? Waiting to hear more! :-)

  2. Joseph! A new car!! You must tell us all about it when you have a chance!! Managing finances is always a good resolution!


  3. Good choice for a resolution.

    Look below for my post.

    Silver's Reviews
    My New Year's Resolution

  4. Time I have a lot of and learned to manage it without going to work. Money is always a challenge especially because we like to travel. Good luck with yours!

  5. A new car - that's always exciting! I plan on trading next year too.

  6. While I like the B52s, I think these are more practical resolutions, Joseph! I look forward to hearing about your new car!

  7. Well Joseph.... Happy New Years to you!
    I do indeed want to hear about the new car.... and this resolution you have made is probably one of the toughest to keep.... Perhaps a calendar and a budget would help...

    Thanks for pondering with me!

    1. Ya I need to get another calendar. Mine's run out, no more days left.... Thanks! Happy New Years to you too! : )


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