Check Out my New Weather Meter!

It can measure the temp, humidity level, dew point, and the wind speeds. Plus much more! You can read about it here,

Joining Cate in her 6WS, click the link to join in or, see other entries.


  1. Wow, this looks really cool! ...and it does all those things too! Amazing, enjoy it!

  2. That looks pretty nifty Joseph!! I bet you will enjoy using it to see what the weather will be in your neck of the woods!


  3. Very cool Joseph! Now you can plan more excursions!

  4. Men and their toys! Have fun with it!

  5. Hi Joseph! We miss you in the blogsphere! Hoping you'll check in over the holidays to let us know how school is going and how life is treating you!

    1. Thanks, I miss y'all too! I've been thinking about making some posts, but with school and work, I just haven't had enough time. Sorry i'll try to make some posts and let y'all know what's going on when school ends on the 7th of December. Hope you are doing well! : )


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