Runway Patches!

While I was opening the door to the patio Patches jumped out of the trash can frantically. He ran with his tail waggling behind him like I was gonna chase after him. I thought that was strange because he usually doesn't budge when I see him in the trash can. Even when I tip it over to try to kick him out he won't move. It's just as well that he jumped out so quickly because today was trash day and I didn't feel like spending the time kicking him out of the trash can and then picking up all of the spilled trash. It was almost 7 am and I wanted to go back to bed. Also I think I now know where he hides. I saw him run into the corner of the backyard where the bushes are. So, I think he maybe sleeps in those bushes. I've never seen him so, scarred before maybe he knew it was trash day. Lol! I would've dumped him out before I took out the trash. I always check. I will even dig under the garbage bags if I think that he might be sleeping in there. I think i'm going to go look in those bushes and see if he lives there. If he does I will try to stop him from eating out of our trash can by taking the food directly to him.


  1. Maybe you just startled him and that's why he acted like that. But at least you know where he might be should you want to bring him food, which I think is a good thing to want to do!



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