Friday Fill in 9

1. Drawing a spooky black cat picture on Microsoft's Paint program was easier than I expected.
2.Bucket list:
   1. A hollow hole less barrel
   2. A handle to carry the barrel
   3. A gap in the hole less barrel on the top to hold the handle.

There you go a bucket!

3. I cannot believe I just did that!

4. If I could drive anywhere. I would drive around the whole world. Just because it would be fun.

Joining McGuffy's Reader and 15andmeowing in their Friday for Fill in Fun! Here is the link:


  1. Joseph, you always make me smile. Excellent bucket list and illustrations! I love the black cat, too, though. If you go around the world. I want postcards! Thank you for joining us for Friendly Fill-Ins! Hugs!
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  2. It would be fun to drive around the world :) I don't like to fly so if we could drive around it, it would guarantee I could see the whole world :)


  3. Great fill-ins, thanks for joining in. Your bucket list is very unique :) And I love the black cat you made, I am looking for something like that to paint on our beloved Spooky's gravestone ( he passed in April). Have a nice weekend.

  4. You are so clever and creative! #1/2/3 made me smile. You are good at sharing smiles and that's an important gift in the world today! I agree with you about #4, I would never grow tired of exploring new places! There are so many wonderful things to see and experience!

  5. I like your picture of the black cat...which I love y the way. I always thought it would be cool to drive from Canada all the way down to the tip of South America....right now, not the best of ideas.


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