Jazz Camcorder!

I got my Jazz camcorder dv151 in the mail today. I had alot of trouble getting it to turn on at first because I had put in bad batteries and also I had put the sd memory card in the wrong way so, it got stuck and I had to get my brother to help me get it out. After I finally got the sd memory card out and put in the right way I got some new batteries and I put them in the camcorder. I pressed the on and off button and it came on. The camera isn't the best camera the screen is kind of fuzzy and there is no charger for it but, for the price I think it good camera. It still is better than my old one and it can connect right to my computer. I haven't been able to record anything on it yet because I think that my sd memory card is locked. Hopefully I will be able to record videos on it after I figure out how to unlock my memory card. Anyways i'm glad that I camera that can take pictures and record videos.


  1. Glad you got the camera! It is always interesting/challenging to get used to new equipment like this, but I'm sure pretty soon you will have it all figured out and can record videos! have fun with it!



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